Thursday, March 17, 2016

Why Alaskan Puppy Names?

We decided to give our puppies names of landmarks and islands in Alaska because, Lord willing, our family will be moving up there this year! My husband, Dwight, has been training to be a missionary bush pilot for over 6 years. We found a mission in Alaska where Dwight can finish his training while we serve there.

Most people know Alaska for its idyllic beauty, but few fully appreciate the difficulty of transportation and access.  There are more than 230 villages inaccessible except by the sea or air.

Across Alaska’s roadless wilderness, Americans live in third-world conditions. The rich native culture has been overwhelmed by alcoholism, teen suicide, joblessness, and spiritual darkness.  

The mission is MARC, which stands for Missionary Aviation Repair Center

Our purpose is
"to impact remote Alaska with the hope of Jesus Christ through missionary aviation."

Carver and Brody in front of one of MARC's King Airs.

These planes fly children to summer Bible camps every summer. It's a highlight every year!

For some children, it's their first time out of their remote village and their first time to hear of the hope and love of Jesus!

The pilots at MARC also fly missionaries, ministry groups, pastors, etc. at a reduced cost to the remote villages of Alaska.

If you want to follow us on this adventure, you can ask to join "Our Little Journey" on Facebook ( ) and/or e-mail me and ask to get our newsletters. 

We got to visit Alaska last summer, as well as last winter. It was really neat to see both seasons and the beauty of each!
The last few winters in Soldotna, Alaska have only been a little colder than our Pennsylvania winters.

Not a great picture, but this is one of the reasons the boys are so excited about the move- MOOSE! We saw 9 in our 3 weeks there. Three of them trotted right past Dwight and the boys while they were out in the yard!

While we were there last December, Dwight got to
fly out to one of the remote villages.

Check out for more information on the ministry! 
They work closely with Samaritan's Purse.

“As a pilot and a preacher of the Gospel, I have a special appreciation for our friends and partners at the Missionary Aviation Repair Center.  As much as I trust their technical expertise, I value their commitment to evangelism and share their heart for the people of Alaska.”

- Franklin Graham, President & CEO, Samaritan’s Purse

And in case you're wondering, yes, Cassie and Sydney will be moving with us! :)